Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Easter Festivities

Easter was a blast this year. Randy and I went over to Grandpa and Grandma Anderson's for lunch, and an Easter egg hunt followed. I love that Grandma Shirley doesn't care that all her grand kids are 17 years of age or older, she still enjoys watching them running around the farm looking for the 3 dozen eggs that she colored and hid for them. Of course Randy needed some encouragement, but after a bit, he was helping me hunt for eggs. The sad thing was that with the both of us put together we found maybe 6 eggs total. So needless to say we didn't come close to winning the hunt this year.

Me looking for those eggs

Me finding the one and only egg of the day (so Randy found the other 5 that we had)

All of us posing with what we found.

Then after the Easter egg hunt at the Anderson's, Randy and I went over to my parents house. My little sister Stacey was up from Utah with her family, and my little niece Addie was so cute. I love that she is old enough now to participate in our activities. One of my family's Easter traditions is to roll our colored eggs down a hill to see who's egg goes the farthest. This year we didn't pick a very good hill for rolling, but that didn't stop Addie from having a blast. After she saw what we were doing, she starting throwing the eggs in her basket one right after the other down the road.

It was really fun to spend Easter with Addie, Stacey and Aaron this year; especially since Addie is old enough now to participate. Seeing her having so much fun reminds me of how much fun I had when I was little with my family. I love how close Randy and I are to both of our families, and I love that we get to be close enough to most of them to spend holidays and vacations with them.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Sacajawea Coin

When Randy started working at NAI about 6 years ago, the office manager at the time was a Shoshone-Bannock Indian from Fort Hall. Her name is Randy'L Teton and she was chosen to be the face of the new Sacajawea coin that came out in 2000.

So yesterday there was a coin show at the Elks lounge where Randy'L was signing her coins and taking pictures.

So Randy and I went to our first coin show and boy was it boring ... interesting but boring. We bought a coin from Randy'L since her coins are uncirculated and had her sign it. We also got some pics with her while we were there.

An interesting fact: Randy'L is the only living person (and who is not a president) on US currency.